Enthusiastic people with a positive approach to life

Join us at our next Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 2 April 2025: 9.45am.

Milford Bowling Club, 20 Commodore Parry Road, Milford.

u3a welcomes new members as you bring new thoughts and ideas to our group.

Our Monthly Meetings have a variety of ingredients certain to meet your taste! A warm welcome (and a few notices) from the President; a mini-talk by one of our members; a biscuit break for friendly chatter and meeting new friends; and a main speaker of note in the community.

A sure recipe for success and enjoyment - "Do try it!"

Our Guest Speaker

Professor Jan Lindsay

Volcanologist in the School of Environment at Waipapa Taumata Rau the University of Auckland

Preparing for a future eruption in the Auckland Volcanic Field

The potentially active Auckland Volcanic Field is an area of distributed volcanism characterised by 53 small volcanoes in the form of scoria cones, craters, and a small shield volcano (Rangitoto) that have formed over the past 193,000 years. The field lies beneath Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, and disruption due to a volcanic eruption would be nationally significant. In this presentation, Professor Jan Lindsay will provide an overview of the volcanic history of the Auckland Volcanic field and summarise recent research that underscores the challenges associated with managing risk in this iconic volcanic field.

Jan is a volcanologist in the School of Environment at Waipapa Taumata Rau the University of Auckland. She has an MSc in Geology from the University of Auckland, and a PhD in Geosciences from the University of Giessen in Germany. She has held positions at GNS Science in Taupō; the GeoResearch Centre (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany; and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. She is a Past President of the Geoscience Society of New Zealand and a past Vice President of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI). She has worked on projects in the broad area of volcanic geology, hazard and risk in Aotearoa New Zealand, Chile, the Lesser Antilles, Hawai’i and Saudi Arabia and co-leads the long-standing Determining Volcanic Risk in Auckland (DEVORA) research programme, funded by Auckland Council and the Natural Hazards Commission (formerly EQC). 

Our Study Groups

u3a Takapuna offers lifelong learning in an informal way. Our members are in the ‘third age’ of life – having finished working full-time or raising a family, we have time to pursue our interests, or try something new. We thrive on educational, recreational and social activities. Groups meet fortnightly or monthly. There are no qualification requirements – and no exams!

“A commitment to lifelong learning is a natural expression of the practice of living consciously.” — Nathaniel Branden