learn, laugh, live.
u3a origins
The University of the Third Age (Université du Troisième Âge) originated in France in the early 1970s. The name refers to the concept of the First Age, childhood and education, followed by the Second Age, career and family development and involvement, and the Third Age, when the demands of the Second no longer define one’s life and the person is enabled to pursue freely chosen interests. The first u3a in NZ was formed in Remuera in 1989.
How we operate
Monthly meetings
At each monthly meeting we have a mini speaker from our membership and an expert main speaker. To read about our next monthly meeting CLICK HERE
Study Groups
We encourage members to join one or more of our 34 study groups which cover a wide range of subjects and meet at various locations and times around the North Shore. To browse our Study Groups CLICK HERE
Our monthly emailed newsletter is the main communication to u3a Takapuna members. For those who are not connected to email we produce a printed and posted email version.
Our beginnings
u3a Takapuna was formed in July 1991. Our first President was Sylvia Arcus. We had 30 foundation members and have gone from strength to strength. We are now part of a network of approximately 90 u3as throughout NZ.
In New Zealand the use of the word “University” is legally restricted to those institutions designated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority so NZ u3as cannot use the word “University”.
u3a Takapuna is an incorporated society, and our officers are elected at our AGM. These officers and other committee members are elected at the AGM.
The committee runs the organisation and consists of
Vice President
30 years and still strong
In July 2021, u3a Takapuna celebrated 30 years of fostering lifelong learning and exploring a wide range of subjects and building friendships. The impact of the COVID epidemic challenged us to learn new technology and new ways of communication.
Useful links
NZ u3a directory: CLICK HERE
Auckland u3a Network: CLICK HERE